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AIGC 2023.06.13

AI text Generators


Since humans started using writing to record information rather than relying solely on memory, text has become the vessel for a vast majority of human knowledge, ideas, and stories. With the advancements in artificial intelligence systems, algorithms are now capable of understanding how we use language, allowing models to attempt semantic and contextual comprehension and generate text content that is coherent and possesses specific characteristics. Since last year, there has been remarkable progress in the development of text generation tools, which have been widely applied across various fields. The advancement of multimodal capabilities in these tools has become a cornerstone of the current AI-generated content trend.

1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT image

Operation interface of ChatGPT(Image Source: ChatGPT Website)
ChatGPT Website
Pricing: Free—Plus version for $20 per month.


ChatGPT is a powerful text generation technology developed by OpenAI and is also currently one of the most popular text generation tools, offering diverse language generation capabilities. It has been trained on extensive large-scale language models (LLMs) and is applicable in various domains such as writing, creativity, education, research, and question-answering. It can even assist in generating code or generating keywords for image generation based on the text prompts provided. In other words, by inputting text, you can prompt ChatGPT to generate corresponding responses. However, it is important to note that ChatGPT is limited by its training data and model architecture, which may result in a lack of up-to-date information (as the current version is limited to pre-2019) and potential errors. Users should maintain critical thinking and evaluate and review the generated content.


ChatGPT can be used for free by creating an account, and there is also an upgraded paid version available that provides access to the more powerful GPT-4 model, enabling larger-scale text and image description computations. In addition, OpenAI introduced the ChatGPT Plugin system in 2023, which allows paid users to add and enhance functionalities. For example, the "Browsing" web browser plugin enhances real-time information retrieval capabilities, such as sports scores, current stock prices, and the latest news updates.


2. Jasper

Jasper image

Operation interface of Jasper(Image Source: Jasper Website)
Jasper Website
Pricing: Free trial—Paid versions range from $39 to $99 per month.


Jasper is a commercial text generation model designed to provide targeted language generation solutions for businesses. Compared to other text generation tools, Jasper places a greater emphasis on business applications and customized customer needs. Jasper offers a variety of different models to adapt to various use cases. For example, Jasper can be used to generate product descriptions, customer service responses, advertising copy, and more. Additionally, Jasper offers features such as multi-user access and cloud storage, making it highly suitable for enterprise copywriting. It also includes powerful search engine optimization capabilities, allowing users to identify the exact keywords needed for high search engine rankings and create content tailored to those keywords, thereby increasing search visibility.



3. Rytr

Rytr image

Operation interface of Rytr(Image Source: Rytr Website)
Rytr Website
Pricing: Free monthly quota—Paid versions $9 to $29 per month.

Rytr is a short-text generator specifically designed for blog articles, web pages, and emails. It is suitable for various marketing scenarios such as call-to-action, keyword generation, SMS push, and even offers AIDA, PAS, and other copywriting frameworks to choose from. One of its key features is its clean and minimalist user interface: the left panel allows users to set the copy framework, tone, keywords, and creativity level for each document, while the right panel organizes the documents in a cloud-like manner with folder categorization. Unless it's a product description or advertisement, users typically don't need to provide too much information; just provide the keywords and the content will be generated. Rytr offers a free monthly quota, and after subscribing, users can access custom templates and dedicated customer service, with prices ranging from $9 to $29 per month.



Brief Summary

Former Google Ethical AI researcher Margaret Mitchell coined the term "Stochastic Parrots" to refer to large language models trained on vast amounts of text data. While these models can generate human-like language through statistical and machine learning techniques, they merely predict patterns of association between relevant words and phrases based on given context or topics, without truly understanding the meaning of the text or words themselves. Therefore, the generated text from such models is akin to a parrot mimicking human speech without comprehension.


Language and text are powerful tools that convey ideas and can even evoke emotions. Text generation tools have lowered the barrier for writing, making it easier for people to construct text and express their ideas. However, they also facilitate the manipulation and packaging of false information and can be exploited by people with bad intentions to spread malicious messages. Therefore, it is crucial for us to examine how we can discern the accuracy and meaning of the text itself, as it has become an important issue that requires urgent attention.