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Perspectives 2023.05.23

AI Audio: Artificial Intelligence in Music


(Cover image taken from Jukebox)

#AI #ExperimentalMusic #MusicGeneration

With the rapid advancement of technology, the music synthesizers, green screens, motion capture techniques, and other widely used tools in the entertainment industry will become outdated by 2040. In their place, a new wave of AI music, defined by its lack of logic and "post-human" lyrics, will emerge as a new experimental genre. This trend will be driven by artificial intelligence, enabling musicians to generate AI music using fragments from audio libraries.


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(Source: Unsplash)

The Jukebox deep neural network model developed by OpenAI's Artificial Intelligence Research Lab in the United States has the ability to generate music as raw audio files in various musical genres and artist styles (Jukebox, 2020). Through massive combination models, it can produce coherent, highly realistic, and diverse songs that span several minutes in length. Jukebox can shape the style of music and vocals by incorporating the influences of musicians and different genres. It can even work with unaligned lyrics to provide greater control over the singing process (Stephen, 2020).


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(Source: Rock, in the style of Elvis Presley - Jukebox. OpenAI, 2020)

