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Number: 001414 Submission date: 2023.07.31

Is Sakinu, A Paiwan Opinion Leader, Building a New Tribal Community for the Eternal Preservation of Traditional Culture?

Number: 001414 Submission date: 2023.07.31
In the face of limited real-world land resources and constrained policy space, Sakinu, a prominent leader of the Paiwan, has found his solution in the metaverse known as the "Yong Jieh"(永界) Recently, he announced the establishment of an entirely new tribe within the Yong Jieh, unveiling a visionary blueprint for the cultural heritage of a new era.

This tribe has united individuals who share an identity with Sakinu, including those from different original tribes, as well as Han Chinese and Scottish indigenous people. Within the tribe, facilities such as schools, youth centers, ancestral houses, and workshops have been established. Sakinu believes that this approach can address the issue of incompatibility between indigenous and mainstream societal systems. In the metaverse, they can adhere solely to their own systems, greatly aiding in cultural preservation. However, many question whether this move can genuinely preserve indigenous culture, as "culture and land are intricately linked." In response, Sakinu argues, "If culture cannot evolve, it signifies the gradual death of culture."

On the other hand, there are concerns about legal matters within the tribe. "If issues such as child exploitation or bullying arise within the tribe, who will handle them effectively?" In reply, Sakinu states that the tribe will have its own norms, influenced by the Paiwan's legal perspective, which emphasizes restorative justice. This cultural concept allows the entire tribe to achieve peace and order by addressing the root causes, enabling offenders to repent and compensate victims. Despite this, some of the public believe that this approach may not resolve immediate issues, requiring external assistance from legal systems.

This incident has reignited public contemplation about the metaverse, raising questions about boundaries, sovereignty, and jurisdiction. Where do national borders lie? Who holds sovereignty? Is it the nation, the tribe, or the platform?