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Grand Jury Award
Number: Submission date: 2023.07.17

DNA×DATA Future Translation World

Number: Submission date: 2023.07.17
Team's name:DNA魔法師
Submission Date:2022.11.24
Work label:#Information Storage #Preservation and Circulation

2040 DNA×DATA Future Translation World In the near future, when the volume of movies, big data, or the amount of information people use on a daily basis exceeds what can be stored today, will the storage of data remain in the memory we know, or will there be a better solution? In 2022, there is the ability to encode digital data into DNA sequences that can be encapsulated and stored for hundreds or even thousands of years, and it has been shown that only one kilogram of DNA can be used to store the world's data today. Let's try to pull the timeline to 2040 and imagine what will happen to technological research, daily life, and information preservation when the world already considers DNA information storage as a part of daily life. If DNA is used as a medium for information storage, 3C products will change a lot in appearance and size, they may become smaller and lighter, and the display will develop differently. The DNA, which can store a large amount of data in a small volume, is a great solution for the increasing amount of information. In addition to information storage, we also envision the application of DNA to biotechnology, imagining that a new type of material can emerge after the synthesis of substances with different characteristics.

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